Jindal Steel & Power (JSP) has embarked on a transformative journey in Patratu, Jharkhand, with the establishment of a 1.6 MTPA steel plant. This project marks the dawn of progress and growth in the region, with plans for additional industrial projects on the horizon.
The Patratu plant is the proud manufacturer of India's beloved Jindal Panther TMT rebars, renowned for its resilience in high seismic zones. Equipped to withstand shock and cyclic loading conditions, these rebars are the ideal choice for constructing buildings in such areas. Furthermore, the wire rod mill at this facility boasts world-class capabilities for producing value-added steel.
Beyond industry, JSP is committed to holistic community development, providing essential services like health, education, sports, safe drinking water, promoting women empowerment, self-employment, and enhancing infrastructure to uplift local residents. This comprehensive approach reflects JSP's dedication to progress that extends beyond steel production.
Steel Plant